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New City Builder! - Design & Customize Buildings, Parks & More - The Architect: Paris

New City Builder! - Design & Customize Buildings, Parks & More - The Architect: Paris:




►Social Media
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►Official Chat
TeamSpeak: ts3server://

►Twitch Livestream

►Download Mods (1 Game Per Tab)

►PC Equipment
馃枼️ PC Spec List

►Video Schedule


Q: You should play (Game Name)!
A: Join the discord and let me know in the general chat! I might consider it.

Q: Can I get a shout out?
A: Sure! Subscribe or support via Super Chat or Sponsor so your name pops up!

Q: Why didn't my name pop up?
A: Set your subscriptions to 'Public'

Q: Who is Nightbot?
A: Just a robot that posts links and moderates chat automatically.

Q What game is this?
A: Read the title of the stream.

Q: Is this game on/do you play Xbox/PS4?
A: I play on PC mostly. Check google quick to see if it is on console

Q: How much is this game?
A: Due to sales, currency differences, and different online stores, prices vary. Check online for info.

Q: Why are you wearing sunglasses?
A: I did it a few times on stream and it became a thing. It matches our emotes so it fits well.

Q: What is your favorite _________?
A: Dosen't matter that much. It's always changing with new experiences and things available.

Q: How long is the stream?
A: On average, about 2 hours - more if there is time.

Q: When are you playing (Game Name)?
A: Check the video release schedule in the links above.

Q: Have you ever played (Game Name)? Do you play (Game Name)?
A: Check the channel, if there is a video on it then I have and you can watch!

Q: How often do you stream? Do you have a streaming schedule?
A: Nothing official, but usually Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and then Saturday, Sunday

Q: What does the join button do?
A: Press it for more information! Each month you can support the channel and get emotes & more!

Q: Where is the join button? I don't see it.
A: It should be visible on PC for sure just below the stream. If you don't see it, check your computer!

Q: Your channel is dying, this dead channel has died to death. How much longer will it survive?
A: Yes.

Q: Can I be a moderator?
A: No more moderators are needed at the moment.

Q: I have an issue with a game mod, technical difficulty, or need a bit of help. Can you help?
A: Hard to help out or do a walkthrough during a stream. If you need more help, join the Discord!

Q: Do you know (YouTuber Name)? You should play with (YouTuber Name)!
A: I am usually fairly busy with my own channel and other things, I watch others, but hard to co-op.

Q: What did I miss?
A: No one knows how long you were gone for or what you have seen, so it's hard to recap a stream.

Q: Does he read chat? Why are you ignoring me!
A: Typically there are hundreds watching and chatting. While gaming, it's hard to get to everyone.

Q: Why is there a 5 minute wait at the start of the stream?
A: YouTube is broken. Notifications don't always go out or they are late. It gives people time to join.

Q: How are you today, Raptor?
A: Good usually, it's nice people ask that a lot honestly. But, any day is a good one if I am streaming.

--Dino Dollars-
What are 'Dino Dollars'?
A new in stream currency that you can use and spend for free on sound effects and other fun games to earn even more! Points you earn in this stream will carry over to other streams to be spent anytime.

How do I earn Dino Dollars?
Every viewer earns 1 Dino Dollar for every 5 minutes of view time. Viewers who are actively chatting earn 2 Dino Dollars in addition.

How do I know how much Dino Dollars I have?
Just type !points in chat!

Where do I spend my points?
You can spend your Dino Dollars on sound effects here: Use the sound effects to cheer on, scare, or annoy me just by hanging out in chat!

How do I play games with my Dino Dollars?
!heist # of points - go on a pirate raid with other members of chat to earn more points!
!slots # of points - test your luck with a chance to win more points via slot machine.

How else can I earn Dino Dollars?
New Subscriber = 10 Points
Super Chat = 50 Points
Donation = 50 Points
New Member = 100 Points

Some things are still in the testing phase ❤!


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